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Boulder Waterkeeper Water Quality Forum - Sep 2019

Sep 1, 2019
By Art Hirsch

Waterkeeper Alliance is part of the coalition that is fighting Gross Dam. They are also fighting to preserve Boulder Creek and will be hosting a water quality forum on September 9, 2019 from 6:00-8:30 pm at the Jewish Community Center (6007 Oreg Ave (Just off Arapahoe Street just west of 55th Street and Boulder, CO).

Boulder Creek contains numerous types of complex chemicals and contaminants from various watershed sources. The majority of these chemicals detected in Boulder Creek are in low concentrations and the human and ecological impacts are not well understood. These complex chemicals like the glyphosate based herbicide (Round Up) or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)  are not regulated in surface waters by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Both the United States Geologic Survey and the University of Colorado - Denver has been performing  detection and impact research on Boulder Creek for several years. The Waterkeeper Water Quality Forum will provide complex contaminant mixture risk and impact information to local residents in the Boulder Watershed and how they can prevent them from entering Boulder Creek.

The forum speakers are:

  • Dr. Larry Barber, U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO-“Complex contaminant mixtures in Boulder Creek - Evolving water quality Issues"

  • Dr. Alan Vajda, PhD University of Colorado Denver- “Endocrine Disruption and Ecosystem health: Lessons from Boulder Creek”

Boulder watershed residents who are interested and care about the health of Boulder Creek are urged to attend. Refreshments will be provided.

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