Climate Change is Already Here
Aug 27, 2019
By Steven Mufson, Chris Mooney, Juliet Ellperin and John Muyskens of The Washington Post
The Washington Post has published an article entitled 2°C: Beyond the Limit which focuses on extreme climate change that has already arrived in America. It examines how weather has changed even over the last generation in various parts of the country. About a third of the way through the article there is an interactive link to check how the climate has changed in any specific county in the country. The annual temperature change in both Boulder County (where Gross Reservoir is located) and Grand County (where the Fraser River is located) is up 1.3º F from 1895 to 2018.
Why does this matter to the fight against the Gross Dam Expansion project? The Environmental Impact Statement upon which the Army Corps of Engineers based their approval for Denver Water to proceed with this project does not take climate change into consideration at all! The data that was used to justify this project is more than 20 years old and therefore the federal license to proceed with this destructive project is based on unrealistic scenarios for the future of water management in the west. This fact will be brought to light as the federal lawsuit against Denver Water to stop this senseless project proceeds.