Denver Water responds to comments on 1041 Application
Feb 24, 2021
Denver Water submitted their 1041 Permit Application to Boulder County in November, 2020. Agencies and individuals submitted thousands of comments on that application. Denver Water's responses to those comments were submitted to the county on Feb 19, 2021 and are now available for public review on the Boulder County website. To access them, click on the yellow link in the bright green box below:
Our team will immediately start going through the responses and preparing our strategy for replying and supporting the county. DW's schedule calls for Public Hearings in July of 2021 but at this point we aren't sure what will happen next. We hope to speak to the county directly later this week. As the schedule firms up we will send out information about what actions are needed and when. In the meantime, feel free to review what Denver Water has submitted and remember that public comments are still being accepted during the entire duration of the review process and may be submitted by emailing Boulder County at AND at
Bookmark the Boulder County Gross Reservoir Dam Expansion webpage dedicated to this project. You can click on the red button on the right side of that page to signup to get emails about the expansion. We will be focusing on how to best prepare to public to effectively speak at the public hearings.
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THANK YOU for your efforts to date - we WILL persevere!
As always, we are grateful for your ongoing financial support. If you would like to contribute it is quick and easy:
Go online to
Write a check payable to ‘Community Foundation Boulder County’, note 'Gross Reservoir Conservation Fund’ in the memo line and mail to:
Gross Reservoir Conservation Fund
P.O. Box 7532
Boulder, CO 80306
Note that your donations are tax deductible - you will receive a receipt for your records.
With much appreciation,