Gross Dam local court fights continue
Aug 21, 2019
By Beverly Kurtz
Updates on timeline
The local court case between Boulder County and Denver Water is moving along, albeit slowly. For those who may have lost track, Denver Water has asserted two claims against Boulder County. The first states that Boulder County has exceeded their authority by enforcing Colorado's 1041 permitting requirements for this project. The second deals with questions of zoning laws related to reservoirs.
The parties have agreed to the following briefing schedule:
Denver Water filed their Opening Brief on August 9, 2019
Boulder County will file their Response Brief on September 13, 2019
The Intervenors' Response Brief will be due on Sept 23, 2019
Denver Water will file its Reply Brief on October 7, 2019
TEG is an Intervenor in this case and our legal counsel, John Barth, is working with us to prepare the brief that is due on September 23, 2019. There will likely be public hearings related to this case early in 2020 - we will put out a call to action when that is approaching.
In the meantime - please considering donating to fund our legal battles and above all, continue to spread the word:
The Gross Dam Expansion project is NOT A DONE DEAL!