Turf Removal Focus Group

Oct 13, 2019
By Beverly Kurtz
Resource Central hosting focus group
Resource Central, a Boulder-based conservation non-profit, is hosting a Turf Removal Focus Group on October 15th. Fully half of the water used by Denver Water Customers goes to water lawns. Resource Central focuses on water conservation and water-wise landscaping, and how they can make it as easy as possible for homeowners to conserve day to day. They are hosting a focus group with individuals who are unfamiliar with their turf removal program, but may be interested in the idea of switching from grass to low-water gardens in their landscape. They are interested in hearing your thoughts about how they can better support our communities and program participants, while inspiring others to take on similar projects of their own.
When: Tuesday, October 15th, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Where: 2639 Spruce St, Boulder, CO 80302
Reserve your spot by emailing jgould@resourcecentral.org. Free dinner and monetary compensation will be provided as a thank you and appreciation of your time!