Vote NO on Proposition DD (Dam and Destroy)
Oct 20, 2019
By Beverly Kurtz
What exactly is a "Water Project"?
Proposition DD will be on Colorado Voters' ballots this fall. Prop DD basically says that sports gambling will be made legal and that taxes on sports gambling will go to fund “water projects.” Although that SOUNDS like a good thing, close examination shows otherwise. Colorado’s Water Plan has been nicknamed “Colorado’s Dam Plan" and is heavily focused on draining and damming rivers rather than on protecting and restoring them. The challenges of managing water to supply a growing population in the drought stricken west MUST focus on conservation, reuse and new technologies for water storage and use. The tax proceeds from sports betting could easily be spent on new dam projects with no oversight from the public.
If you'd like additional information, there is an excellent article outlining the issues with this proposition in the Boulder Weekly Voter Guide. You might also be interested in an Opinion piece in the same publication or an article in the Greeley Tribune. We urge people to vote against this proposition in order to help protect our waterways.